Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Were the World Mine

This film was recommended to me by Netflix a little while ago and I noticed its title elsewhere in my life recently as well. So, I thought I would give it a view. It is not very well polished and I know there are plenty of things that critics and cynics could pick apart about the acting, directing, editing, writing, etc., but I thought it was a very beautiful little movie. I must admit that I have never read 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' nor do I know much about the story. I now feel that this is a tragedy in my life. The plot of the film revolves around a young gay man in an all boys school whose life becomes swept up in the fantasy world of the high school's impending production of the aforementioned Shakespearean play. I really appreciated many things about this tender story. I really enjoy it when parents overcome their own struggles to fight for their children. That device always endears a movie to me. The singing was another shining element in the film. Overall, I would be willing to recommend this little movie to those looking for a tender musical with quite low production value, but very high sweetness value. Now I just need to ready 'AMSN'sD' someday.

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