Wednesday, August 19, 2009

(500) Days of Summer

My interest in this movie since I heard about it months ago was more of a roller coaster than the film, which made me sad. After seeing it, I can say that I am happy I did. This was a funny telling of a story I had heard about a million times before. The telling of the story was pretty creative and the characters and acting helped make it worth it. Joseph Gordon-Levitt was adorable and Zooey Deschanel played the part of the highly desirable young woman quite well. It always frustrates me when a movie tells me that the leading lady/man is gorgeous beyond measure and other fawn at the sight, because often the actor/ress or character cannot live up to that hype. Zooey/Summer pulled it off. I was enthralled with her beauty and presence. She did end up breaking my heart, but isn't that always the way. The music was pretty rockin'. Two Regina Spektor songs give a movie quite a bit of cred, IMO. There was even a impromptu choreographed dance break in the middle of the film. It made my heart happy. I recommend renting this one with your current date/signif. other sometime. It made me wonder if maybe someday I might meet my Autumn.

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