Thursday, August 13, 2009

How To Lose Friends and Alienate People

If you are looking to laugh at Simon Pegg falling, spitting, being beaten up, and generally making a fool of himself, this is the movie for you. I certainly laughed and found some enjoyment with the plot. Few of the actors really committed to their parts, but luckily it was brief and funny. Simon plays a character looking to find a balance between selling out and being a "real celebrity journalist" (if such a thing could exist). He moves to NY, meets a girl, meets another girl, conflicts with Gillian Anderson, gets second girl and then realizes first girl was the one for him. It is every story ever told (especially the Gillian Anderson bit). Kirsten Dunst vomits a few times. That is about all she brings to the film. I recognized her funniest line from an episode of 'Home Improvement.' There were a few redeeming appearances by Katherine Parkinson and Chris O'Dowd, both from 'The IT Crowd,' a BBC series a high recommend for some great laughs. Overall, nothing special with this movie, but if you are looking for a brief vehicle for a few laughs and some funny brits, check it out. Someday Simon Pegg might be cast as something other than a loveable idiot.

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