Thursday, September 24, 2009

Seven Pounds

I finally saw 'Seven Pounds' starring Will Smith and Rosario Dawson. This movie is so desperate to maintain its mystery that it leaves the viewer with too little information to actually care about the main character. I believe this beautifully sentimental story could easily have been told in a straight forward and understandable way. The plot for the first 45 minutes jumps from various points in the past to the present in such a way that confuses more than expounds. There is actually quite little that can be said about this movie that does not give away too much of the plot. Rosario was grand and saved the film for me. Her performance was real and her character had depth and beauty. Woody Harrelson's character even gave me more to care about than Will Smith's. I guess that isn't very fair, but I just wish this film could have been better in very small and fundamental ways. In this blog, it has been established that I cannot cry, but even if I were able to, I am not sure this very emotional and sentimental movie would have been able to bring it out of me. If you have not seen this movie and ever do watch it, please pay attention. You will be able to pick up pretty quickly on the mystery of the movie and you might even be able to enjoy it after that. I did figure out what was going on quite early, but was still unable to connect with the main character. I think I was distracted by the filmmaking choices. I guess that is all I have to say about that. Will Smith is getting pretty close to it, but he still has not been able to make a truly bad movie. Maybe someday he will slip up.

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