Wednesday, September 30, 2009

In Bruges

HOLY COW! How did I miss this film for sooo long?! All I can guess is that the marketing for this movie failed so utterly and completely. I saw plenty of trailers and ads for it, but was never compelled to view it. Even after its praise during awards season, I put off watching it. What a fool I was. This is most certainly an instant favorite in my life. I need to purchase it and show it to everyone that will sit and watch it with me. The writing is literally brilliant. That is a phrase I believe I tweeted numerous times while watching it last night, and it fits so well. I have not laughed out loud so much in a movie in a very long time. Brits just know how to make me laugh, end of story. Martin McDonagh is the British born Irish writer/director of this indie masterpiece. Colin Farrell wins the prize for my favorite performance from him to date. Brendan Gleeson was strong and warm and hilarious. Ralph Fiennes was spot on and genius. And the beautiful Clémence Poésy was so believable and majestic all at once. Some things I loved: the inn keeper, the bits about alcoves, the fairy-tale nature of Bruges, the racist dwarf, the fight with the Canadians, the liberal and appropriate usage of the 'f-word,' and the list goes on. Things that were not my favorite: the liberal and inappropriate usage of the 'r-word,' the heart breaking impetus for the entire plot, that may be it. I was certainly blown away by this film and will highly recommend it to you all. Please enjoy it! Someday I would love to visit Bruges.

P.S. I just found out that Martin McDonagh and I share a birthday!

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